So do terms like craigslist broken arrow, craigslist tulsa real estate, for sale by owner broken arrow, for sale by owner broken arrow ok sound familiar? If you are trying to sell your home yourself it will sound very familiar, as these are just a few of the terms often type into Google by people who for some reason or another need to sale their homes.
When looking to sale you own property your self there are a number of ways to go,
1. Go at it alone? Which has it’s problems like do you and or the buyer know whats required by state law? Do you need a lawyer to write a contract? Can you just down load one from the net and go? Have you met the disclosure requirements to the buyer, So you post a “For Sale” sign out front and wait, post on craigslist and wait some more? Not in a hurry are you?
2. Get a Realtor to guide you thru not a bad idea but it will cost you a percentage of your asking price top 6%. at least you get some befit of the realtors marketing program, slightly better then craigslist but you may still be waiting up to 30-90 days, or more for a buyer then another 30 plus to close, not exactly what we call fast.
3. Sell to a Redevelopment Company like Castle Properties, LLC. We will inspect your property and base on it’s condition and market value make you a fair offer, the best things are no repairs needed, no commissions or other fees, can close quickly, and pays in cash. As we are the buyer theres no waiting, no marketing, no repairs that have to be made, and the number 1 thing just selling it as is and letting someone else worry about it. So much better don’t you think? We think so too so don’t delay click the arrow and enter your info and we will get back to you very quickly.